Part 20 – Recollections About Bro. Vic & Others

Part 20 – What It Means To Prepare for the 2nd Coming of Our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ

People have different God-given talents on top of the gift of Faith in God. Not all can write well about God’s teachings. Those who have such skills would be in the Orders of Moses, Sirach, Solomon, Ezra, Nehemia, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephania, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi, Saints Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, James, Jude, Peter, and Paul. There were over 20 unknown writers who were original authors of the bible.

Tradition says much of the stories about God came from Verbal or Oral communications. Today, we witness an abundance of Evangelists, Preachers of the Gospel, disciples with apostolic missions whose contributions are not yet written about.

Here is one example of a good friend of mine who used to be with the Philippine Marines. He told me a bit about his life. Before he received Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior, he was a “sniper” for the Marines in Mindanao. He’d climb up coconut trees and KILL enemies. His name, is Brother Vic M., a former President of Gideons Ministry in Caloocan. He had passed away in his mid-sixties due to heart failure. When we were together, I used to ride on his motorcycle as back rider without a helmet. His life was so transparent to me that I knew way ahead of time how he could die anytime in one of two possible scenarios — by enjoying delicious Crispy Pata or by ending up in a motorcycle accident.

Bro. Vic had the writing skills like mine although he used it for his Business Management Consultancy. In fact, he had more clients than me in various distant places, being associated with Gideons International which has rich members, like that one who has a Ship Building business in RP. He was a very hardworking Christian. He provided a two-storey house and lot for his family, a business (Carinderia) for his wife, and another business (Restaurant) for his children somewhere near La Salle Taft Ave.

Without using his writing skills in Facebook, Bro. Vic chose to spread the Words of God by helping Gideons International in the Philippines distribute bibles — complete KJV Old and New Testaments as well as small New Testaments. We distributed them to schools around Caloocan. Those of you who have tried this laborious way would know how strong your health must be in order to carry boxes of bibles all the way to the 4th or 5th floor of some schools that have no elevators and no escalators.

What was Bro. Vic’s Faith ? He believed in the power of the Holy Spirit doing the rest of the work mentioned in

Isaiah 55:11 NKJV New King James Version
“11 So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth;
It shall not return to Me void,
But it shall accomplish what I please,
And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.”

But in my discernment, I could see through observations how he was repentant of past sins as KILLER by expiating sins with sufferings he had to endure. On top of distributing bibles for over 20 years, he would have meetings with other Gideon Members, recruit new ones, attend Gideon Assemblies, donate, solicit. Now that Bro. Vic is gone, at least he was able to pass on his ministry to Bro. Jude Dapitan.

Bro. Jude is not and was not a killer.

And so, writing is not the only way to spread the Good News of Salvation. Preaching in pulpits is another. Holding bible studies like those conducted in GCF Growth Groups, CCF Growth Groups, and Gideons Breakfast Meetings would be an alternative. Use your creativity to discover opportunities.

Bro. Dante Liban created his Conference on Servant Leadership which also shares the biblical Words of God and prays for leaders every Thursday in QC Hall. Bishop Jojo Gonzales has his CCL – Capitol Christian Leadership every Tuesday 7 am to 11 am at the Faith Baptist Church near Delta, Quezon Blvd. Bro. Sammy Bautista joined Iglesia ni Cristo to sharpen his knowledge about the biblical interpretations, having been a Pentecostal, a Methodist, and a Baptist church founder. That friend is a doctor of laws from USA, and a repentant killer of his own wife.

There are many alternative ways to share your life once you know you have something to share as a Christian of God’s Words from the Scriptures. Your life should reflect Jesus Christ in the flesh.

[ Note: Those who know the full name of Bro. Vic M. should not disclose his full name or location to prevent his enemies from revenge affecting family members. ]