Part 22 – God’s Law Related to Poverty & Hunger

Part 22 – What It Means To Prepare for the 2nd Coming of Our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ

Let us switch to a more productive application of Wisdom from the Holy Bible wherein there can be long lasting growth. As we practice reflecting on Words of God in the Scriptures, it will be inevitable that the following thoughts have to be better understood.

First, why is it that rich, educated fellowmen who know and believe God’s teachings, continue to ignore the plight of nearly a billion people experiencing hunger & poverty ? If not ignore, why can’t they change the reality of having human beings who are not given adequate food and nourishment, clothing, and shelter ? Does not the Law of God say we should love neighbors as ourselves ? Look at the lives of the educated rich and compare it with the miserable lives of over 700 million experiencing hunger worldwide.

In the first place, those producing CASH don’t seem to understand that money is just being fabricated by Man. Thus, Man can supply ALL basic needs to ALL fellowmen. The Truth is obviously painful. Those in a position to supply basic needs for ALL people to live with human dignity — created their own economic logic which tolerates violation of God’s 2nd greatest command. Why not argue about economic theories while first providing for basic needs of Man at least in terms of making every working body productive ? Zero unemployment. And 100% fully nourished, clothed, sheltered, with FREE education should have been the policy since long time ago up to the present.

The Basic Law involved in resolving these issues is the 2nd greatest commandment which can be immediately fulfilled by Policy Makers, Law Enforcers, and Bankers. For already many years, this has been a disgusting Truth tolerated by calloused conscience. Should we not force the people entrusted with the means to produce capital to actually supply what all fellowmen need in order to live decent lives ?