Part 26 – Helping Migrants from Impoverished Venezuela

Part 26 – What It Means To Prepare for the 2nd Coming of Our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ

Latest media about the Exodus of Venezuelans do not report any Christian Church initiative to properly show mercy for migrants to Brazil. Peru, Colombia, Chile, Argentina, USA, and Mexico. Instead, according to online news reports, the governments of different countries are attending to migrants. Where is Christianity in the present Exodus out there ? Don’t we have sufficient logistics to have newspapers or online reporters tell all other believers of God what the Churches are doing for depressed migrants ?

Nevertheless, I thank God for the governments that were not rude or hostile to believers of God. Some local residents of Brazil burned down temporary camps of Venezuelan migrants. But this was not an initiative of the government of Brazil. So far, I have not yet read of which people violently opposed the entry of refugees.

Matthew 25:35 ESV
“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me,”

This moment in time would be the exact situation when Churches of the different countries affected by Venezuelan migrants MUST remind the faithful about God’s teachings concerning how strangers should be treated. It is also a time when Church Leaders should be in the forefront of showing believers how best to at least show mercy for displaced people.

As for believers not directly affected, let us remember Venezuelans in our prayers regardless of whether or not they are sinners. Our reflections can include going back thousands of years ago when Moses had a similar Exodus for the chosen people of God — remembering Almighty God’s great miracles just to save Israelites from their slavery in Egypt. Unlike in the distant past, today’s world has many countries where believers in God can take refuge. The Lord has indeed provided for the present. During the time of Moses, guess what ? The migrants had to travel in the desert for 40 YEARS !

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