Part 29 – The Holy Spirit in Atheistic Countries ?

Part 29 – What It Means To Prepare for the 2nd Coming of Our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ

Grievous sinners and redundant sinners should not lose hope in the quest to reform themselves regardless of age, circumstances, race, country, and environment. If you happen to live in an atheistic society, the Holy Spirit is also there. However, God’s Will for atheistic societies will certainly be more on directing the conscience towards encountering Words of God somewhere else if the bible is not allowed. In the long run, the Holy Bible becomes readily available.

Chinese were informed that the bible is purely a Western book. It was said to be irrelevant to China and does not even mention China in any part of the bible. Instead, they have their own culture and religion far too different from the biblical teachings, Yet today Christianity is growing in China because those enlightened by the Holy Spirit have come to realize that even Confucius believed in God. The term God is written in Ancient Chinese writings as “Shangdi” which means Supreme God or Lord on High or Highest Lord. If translated, the term “Shagdi” means “Above Emperor”. The ancient Chinese considered “Shangdi” as owner of all of the universe.

China has a Temple of Heaven which was created in ancient times, containing no idol, not even Buddha or Confucius, to prove that Ancient Chinese believed in a Spiritual One God they called “Shangdi”.

Luke 5:32 New American Standard Bible
“I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance.”

If such a difficult condition in life can be resolved. what more of microscopic personal problems affecting one’s Faith in God. There are only 10 million to 12 million Catholics in China. But other Christian denominations included, the estimated population of Chinese Christians have exceeded 100,000,000.

And so, the Holy Spirit has been infinitely as well as tirelessly working to prepare Man for the 2nd Coming of the Messiah in each individual and also in every country. It is not true that the Holy Spirit is absent in unholy sinners because the very LIFE of a human being belongs to God. The “spirit of life” or “breath of life” came from The Almighty Creator. However, in the course of time, life of a sinner can become severely corrupted with evil spirit. St. Paul disclosed that the Word of God is capable of separating a Man’s Righteous spirit from his Evil spirit. (Hebrews 4:12) But disciples of Jesus Christ will need the skill to wield it like a powerful weapon which can save souls.

We believe Jesus Christ is The Word of God made flesh. He is God. (John 1:1) It should be no wonder then why infinite power comes from Jesus through Words of God and His Holy Spirit which is also God’s Spirit.

For the reference to Chinese understanding mentioned in this part, watch the YouTube Lecture at

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