Part 31 – How China Learned About Almighty God in Ancient History

Part 31 – What It Means To Prepare for the 2nd Coming of Our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ

Did you know that the founder of China was Shem, probably the eldest son of Noah ? Ancient Chinese writings contained stories of the great flood, so that Chinese Theologians tried to trace how China got to know Shang Di, the term given for Almighty God. Rev. Wilfred Chung in the video below revealed how they discovered it was Shem who went East after the great flood made Noah’s Ark land on a high mountain. It was Shem who told the story also to the ancestors of the Chinese today.

Abraham was the great great grandson of Shem through Eber, the great grandson of Shem. Therefore, both Chinese and all people who descended from the line of Hebrews came from the same great great ancestor Shem. For Abraham was a Hebrew. (Genesis 10 & 11)

Furthermore, we can arrive at the conclusion that Jesus Christ, who came from the lineage of Shem, will eventually be the True God of China and whoever receives Jesus through God’s Holy Spirit activities out there. That will happen when the Chinese find out about the Truth concerning One God and His Blessed Trinity.

How is this relevant to the Philippines ? Most Filipinos have Chinese blood because of proximity and business activities of traders coming from mainland China. As a matter of fact, RP economy has long been dominated by Chinese-related businessmen even after the Spanish regime, Japanese regime, and the American regime. The difference in education about God comes from a point of view originating from Europe and Middle East. Christianity was taught from the body of knowledge originating from Rome and Spain while Islam was taught from the body of knowledge originating from Middle East. China, at present, is dominated by leaders who are Atheistic. The suspected reason for their losing Faith in Shang Di (the ancient Chinese word for God) was a series of sufferings which forced minds to be more logical and focused in worldly matters in order to survive. The communists know too little about the bible. For them, religion is an opium of the people. But look at the counter-logic, Why does shabu supply currently come from China if the communists hate opium for the people ?

Reflection can lead us to realize there is a spiritual warfare dimension we need to consider. Atheists are either confused or have evil intentions for the Filipino People. If they rejected religion because it works like opium, then logic tells us Chinese consider opium to be harmful. It breeds laziness and loss of righteous minds. If the same Chinese who consider opium to be harmful are supportive of supplying narcotics to Filipinos, then perhaps it is for business benefits in favor of the Chinese at the expense of negative impact on Filipinos. However, it is possible that the Chinese Atheistic government does not approve of such illegal narcotics trade with RP.

Our hope is for Words of God to be spread also in China, among communists, so that the Chinese communities will discover their roots from Shang Di ( Lord of the Universe), and that their sense of righteousness will be in harmony with Shang Di. Then there will be less evil deeds in China and coming from China.

The Words of God will make the Atheists subordinate worldliness to give priority to Godliness, God’s Righteousness, and His Salvation. Why should Atheists accept God, believe in Him, and change in order to be saved ?

2 Peter 3 reveals a prophecy similar to Noah and the Great Flood except that the world will be destroyed by a great fire.
There is no resurrection, no Eternal Life, for Atheists because they are lovers of this world. To prepare for the 2nd coming of The Messiah, China must return to their Ancient Founder’s Faith in God.

1 John 2:15-17 English Standard Version (ESV)
“Do Not Love the World
15 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16 For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life—is not from the Father but is from the world. 17 And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the Will of God abides forever.”

We can find the revelation of Rev. Wilfred Chung, theologian, in the following video below.