Part 34 – God Gives Opportunities To Serve People In Need.

Part 34 – What It Means To Prepare for the 2nd Coming of Our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ

Allow me to first thank our Lord for a successful Health Check support and assistance in favor of 4 people found to have problems somewhere in their bodies. Loving one another means caring for the welfare of others in need of whatever it takes to rise up from health problems (for example). Because God has made my health 10% higher than the standards for a healthy person on Earth, and with the technological knowledge to determine anybody’s health status per organ and even smaller parts of the body, I was given a natural responsibility to teach others modern ways of staying healthy and younger than a real age.

One of them, the mother was told by her doctor that she already needs Angioplasty. It will cost about P300,000. So she opted to come to the Noble Life International clinic to avail of our FREE Health Check and FREE Doctor’s prescriptions.

She was wise. When we met there, she brought 3 other family members who also availed of FREE Health Check and FREE Doctor’s prescriptions. It would have meant P4,000 consultation fees alone in hospitals. And the scientific health check up would have made them incur P48,000 to find out what parts of their bodies were not healthy. She will be proven to be very wise after all of them get well and they actually save nearly half a million pesos from being spent for health issues including hospitalization and a series of doctor’s consultations for 4.

Then our doctor assessed the findings and announced that she can most probably forego with Angioplasty if she just obeys proper procedures to remove excessive fats. All family members felt great relief for her situation.

The medical findings for the three others pointed to multiple health risks. One was at risk of having Prostate Cancer. Prostatitis was discovered. He was also at high risk of having Cirrhosis of the Liver due to Fatty Liver. If not treated, it will lead to cancer. A third relative was discovered to have been ignoring a problem with her Endocrine System. For some years, she could not bear a child in married life. Her Uric Acid was also high. And the 4th relative has a growing bulge at the back of her knee.

The good news is that ALL those health problems can be eliminated within one to three months, based on our doctor’s assessment and the company’s historical track record of thousands of cases.

But without God, none of us can do anything to resolve ALL those issues.

Luke 1:37 New King James Version (NKJV)
“37 For with God nothing will be impossible.”

Therefore, I advised them to pray. I will pray for them and ask that you also pray for these fellowmen whose need is to become healthy again. There is, in fact, an easy way that God ordained as a Way of Loving. Pray for others in need.

Matthew 11:28 NKJV
“28 Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”