Part 35 – How Biblical Knowledge Is Applicable Even to Present Politics in RP

Part 35 – What It Means To Prepare for the 2nd Coming of Our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ

Should we remain silent during a political crisis in our country? What does this have to do with God’s Righteousness in the present ?

The answers really depend on who will respond to the questions. Those who do not know much about what is happening or are not interested in studying laws involved in our present “political crisis” will tend to wonder why our leaders have abandoned the welfare of most Filipino People. Almost everybody is complaining about price increases, NFA Rice lack of availabilty, and “bukbok rice” although I don’t see that variety. Maybe, only in Mindanao there are “Bukbok Rice” for sale.

But for citizens who know the laws or who have some wisdom pertaining to the President’s EO, God’s Righteousness in them will require full disclosure of the truth.

The current Philippine crisis involving leadership should remind us about King Saul. He lost God’s favor because of his disobedience. His worst disobedience was when he usurped a power outside his authority. As a result, the Holy Spirit left him to die a brutal death.

1 Samuel 16:14-15 ESV “14 Now the Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul, and a harmful spirit from the Lord tormented him. 15 And Saul’s servants said to him, “Behold now, a harmful spirit from God is tormenting you.”

Similarly in the Philippine government today, a President has released an Executive Order which usurps power outside his authority. Any EO should not contradict existing Rules of Law, especially not the Philippine Constitution. Not even a President can have somebody arrested without due process of law if there was a crime committed. And if there is a case dismissed, some legal procedures have to be followed to revive a case. So how can an EO revoke immunity without passing through a legal appeal (for example) if there is new evidence or new analysis ? How can you try a case twice by first issuing an EO ? Who did the trial ? The Executive Branch? Then it was double jeopardy. Worse than that, it usurped the power of the higher court.

Therefore, let us pray for our leaders to correct their mistakes and get back to serving the Filipino People’s common good. If I were to recommend something, it is best to withdraw the EO before the Senate declares the Executive Branch UNCONSTIITUTIONAL.