Part 39 – Words of God Apply in Both Religion and Government.

Part 39 – What It Means To Prepare for the 2nd Coming of Our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ

Religion can be separated from politics and government. But Words of God will always apply in ALL parts of life even those in politics and governance. Therefore, God’s Words should never be separated from both. All laws branched out from God’s own laws which are His Words of Wisdom and Truth. They are connected to the Spirit of Righteousness in the Way we live our daily lives.

Much of the problems of Man in our present time can be traced to situations wherein God’s Righteousness in some people, especially leaders, have been corrupted and compromised at the expense of the common good.

It should be as follows:

1 Corinthians 12:7 English Standard Version (ESV)
“7 To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.”

Leaders must recognize the common good and not be captivated by bribes or vested interests that derail the interest of the common good. Charity for the majority of population is the common good.

Let us take the example of Rice Supply & Prices in the Philippines. In a trend of globalization, our country does not have to depend on local production if we can avail of overproduction of rice in some other countries. Our farmers may need more time and training from experts — in the use of equipment for mass production of rice, use of organic fertilizers, use of insecticides, etc. — in order to be more competitive. Filipinos probably don’t even have the right technologies and the corresponding equipment for competitive planting, maintaining, harvesting, cleaning, and marketing of quality rice. Meantime, our government can import the surplus of Vietnam and/or Thailand to enable consumers to enjoy the benefits of low priced quality rice.

Unfortunately, there are fellowmen (most probably) who prevent such available low priced quality rice from being abundant nationwide. It is because their rice production cannot be sold if everybody buys imported rice. The result of this will be an artificial higher price which goes against the common good particularly for the great majority of Filipinos.

The sin of GREED prevails. And the great majority of Filipino masses are victimized by a cartel which government calls “hoarders”.

Reflecting on 1 Corinthians 12:7 above, we can ask who was given the power to effect corrective measures. Assuming, I received that knowledge and wisdom to inform them about the absence of God’s Righteousness in our country insofar as Rice Prices are concerned. And this post communicates the Truth. It will be now up to those government officials given God’s Spirit to do justice for the Filipino People, because now they know what’s really wrong.

Next would be the other problems after this one is resolved.