Part 41 – God’s Wisdom vs. Man’s wisdom

Part 41 – What It Means To Prepare for the 2nd Coming of Our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ

There is a great difference between God’s Wisdom and Man’s wisdom in a situation wherein the latter contradicts the former.

1 Corinthians 1:25 ESV
English Standard Version
“For the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.”

1 Corinthians 3:19 ESV
English Standard Version
“For the wisdom of this world is folly with God. For it is written, “He catches the wise in their craftiness,”

Applying this knowledge, our reflections about the Kingdom of God to be in this world would have to consider God’s Wisdom. For example, Man’s resources appear to be more than sufficient for every human being to live with dignity and sufficient provisions. Don’t we see so much vacant land for agriculture to produce abundant crops, but most of it are idle?
Don’t we see that Man has technologies and the means to use all those technologies as well as more than enough manpower to work ? However, the other truth is that some rich people who can supply the capital to pay for all the needed workers and to have full employment, abundant food supplies, and to meet other needs — those people actually don’t take the initiatives for all men to have their fill. Instead, they worry about devaluation of the cash money if more capital is produced. They worry about oversupply and excessive competition. Do they worry about those suffering from scarcity of basic needs for people who can’t find jobs ?

Surely, someday we will have leaders who will give priority to enabling every family to become productive, healthy, and uplifted in terms of quality of lives. We will have Godly leaders in time. No one will go hungry, broke, uneducated, unemployed, deprived of good quality of life. We will direct all able bodied persons to reach their full potentials at the same time achieve rapid progress and growth in productivity. And we will do all these in the name of Almighty God, through Jesus Christ, His Son and model for all people.

By God’s Wisdom, all these ideals are not only possible but also achievable. Not so with Man’s wisdom which brings us back to sorrowful realities.