Part 49 – Be a Provider Like God in Behalf of Jesus.

Part 49 – What It Means To Prepare for the 2nd Coming of Our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ–global-growth—manipulated–asset-prices-and-interest-rates-remaining-low?fbclid=IwAR3COLPPGLoqPcM1egabM5DUiv17wRoXY0gOdomN1CX2WRyJntvCGia6LeI

John 10:10 New King James Version (NKJV)
“10 The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.”

Our God has actually provided for Man to be well supplied with the means to enjoy the benefits of life. All necessary resources have become available. However, we lack Good Shepherds, Responsible Stewards of existing means, and Law Enforcement to cut down the greedy and evil elements of society. I have met so many people from various walks of life who experienced man-made restrictions or limitations for them to become useful members of society. There are those who want to plant on vacant land in order to have some source of food. But the owner who has kept their lands idle for many years REFUSE to let others plant on it. And when an idle location becomes profitable through the hard work of people who made it useful, the owner(s) would drive them out of their businesses or productive activities because they want to reap the benefits of having a profitable location. Sadly, those who worked hard for that location to become productive — the poor or lowly citizens — are not given compensation or alternatives where they can start all over again.

In the first place, landowners should make their land productive. Secondly, if there are people on the land, they ought to “build up” the character of such fellowmen assuming they have the means to do so. A problem exists when a landowner cannot find a feasible means to even develop his property. If he is surrounded by “usurers” aiming to confiscate land, or if there is no banking facility to make a land useful, then that situation results in keeping material resources as well as manpower IDLE.

Currently, our Philippine Government does not provide for the solution to bring about maximum productivity. But notice the pattern: if you can be of great help to make a politician win in elections, that politician might solve your problems with constraints.

Going back to the point of view of a super rich family who can supply the resources in the form of capital, we ought to reflect on whether or not working capital should be limited for those who should become productive with land, labor, materials but without the “liquidity” to transform resources into profitable ventures. Isn’t it like having a ready vehicle with driver and passengers ? But we can see they don’t have a working engine and the fuel to run it. Those people and material resources become useless if existing institutions just watch their idle situation. Right ?

Thus, The Rothschild Entrepreneurs believe in EDUCATION. Their banking priorities includes investing on enabling Man to be more educated in the way situations should be properly handled, e.g. how to convert idle manpower and idle properties into profitable or productive ventures worldwide. [Refer to the News Link in Part 49.]

Take note that without investments from the Rothschild Empire, these articles being posted in Facebook almost everyday are meant to educate nearly a billion FB users daily, that is, if they get to read it by chance. (Matthew 13)