Part 5 – Faith Consistent With God’s Righteousness

Part 5 – What It Means To Prepare for the 2nd Coming of Our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ

Yesterday, I received a couple of feedback from one of my posts which was shared to the group of Donald J. Trump President of the United States Facebook. The FB Post was dated Dec. 21, 2016 and it was about Words of God. One member of that group wherein I am a part of the nearly 60,000 FB Group Members of Pres. Donald J. Trump, apparently lives in Cairo, Egypt. He is probably a follower of Islam. based on the video he shared yesterday in reply to my FB Post over a year ago. And the other is a female from Texas, USA. Her profile does not show any religious denomination.

Their feedback reminds me to SHARE my new Facebook Posts to the “Donald J. Trump President of the United States Facebook”. The video reply by Salama Abdelhadi also calls for my feedback concerning Words of God in the KORAN. As of today, I asked for more time because his video is quite long — one hour and a half. I have not yet finished watching it.

For your information, I can logically say Muslims who believe in Words of God in the Koran, and actually obey Allah’s Teachings will also be saved. (God and Allah are one and the same except in language. Allah is the Aramaic translation of God. The term “God” is the English translation of Allah, although the root was German.) My reason for saying that Muslims who believe in Allah and obey His teachings wil be saved –is that Jesus Christ is identified in John 1:1 as The Word of God in the beginning. Although to Muslims Jesus was a Prophet like Prophet Muhammad, it will just be a matter of time when they can discover Words of God in the Old Testament were actually Jesus, God’s Only begotten Son. But this topic is in a deeper part of Theology. That is, if you know the bible very well, you can prove Jesus is The Word of God both in the Old and New Testament. And the references will not only be John 1:1.

My position about The Quran is that Words of God found therein correspond to The Holy Scriptures’ Old Testament. I read contents of The Quran. Different stories are told but the same Righteousness of God or Allah. What Islam needs today is A New Testament also to be included in The Quran.

To continue with the topic on preparing for the 2nd Coming of God’s Son who will judge each person, I chose to be more concerned with the people who are not called for Preaching Words of God. A Christian can be called a disciple without being or becoming a preacher, a priest, a pastor, bishop, cardinal, or Pope. St. Paul made this very clear in 1 Corinthians 12 and Romans 12.

And so, if you are an employee or government personnel, it does not mean you are NOT a disciple or a member of God’s family. God gave every believer a role to play, a service to perform. Once a person knows some teachings from the bible, he or she can practice faith in a Way consistent with God’s Righteousness in those teachings. However, by maintaining humility, one should always keep an open mind about the possibility of having to be corrected or having to discover a truth overlooked. It takes skills to discern, skills to accurately judge, skills to wield the Words of God as though it is a sword (Hebrews 4:12).

1 Corinthians 12:7 English Standard Version (ESV)
“7 To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.”