Part 9 – The Revealed Love of Jesus Is Man’s Guide.

Part 9 – What It Means To Prepare for the 2nd Coming of Our Lord & Savior, Jesus

Knowing then that only God knows about the time when The Messiah will return, should Man relax and feel free to do whatever good should be done from the individual’s viewpoint?

There are some teachings which guide believers to follow priorities. First would be the 2 greatest commands which clearly identifies Loving God above all as the first and most important commandment. Loving neighbors is only 2nd. Furthermore, the extent of love for neighbor should be “as you love yourself”. It is consistent with what Jesus had said:

Matthew 9:13 ESV English Standard Version
“Go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, and not sacrifice.’ For I came not to call the righteous, but sinners.”

In the Old Testament, we see a similar Word of God which says,

Hosea 6:6 ESV English Revised Version
“For I desire mercy, and not sacrifice; and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings.”

How Jesus showed love for God should be Man’s guide. He studied the Scriptures, taught teachings of God, and performed Godly deeds. Jesus obeyed Our Father’s teachings to Joshua in Joshua 1:8-9 and as a result succeeded in fulfilling His mission on Earth. While it is true that we have to do some urgent chores or work in order to have something for our meals, in the story of Martha and Mary, Jesus says that choosing to learn more about God and His kingdom is of greater value in a situation wherein other people can attend to household chores. This may be applicable also to other works.

In a family or group, we should give importance to knowing God more and more each day. In my family and groups, as a known scholar, it is I who studies Words of God very frequently in order to share insights for all believers to grow in the knowledge of God.

I pray that in your family or group of people, there will be at least one who can likewise attend to growth in the knowledge of God and to share so that others can also have something to reflect on and grow. Or you can be that leader. Take note of the teachings directly from God who advised “day and night” keeping up with The Book of God’s Laws for teaching and doing His Will. It is no joke to try obeying that passage in Joshua 1:8.

By following and walking with God one day at a time, we are updated about major events taking place not just in the Philippines but also around the world, with the view of The Holy Spirit.