Preparing for the 2nd Coming of Our Savior Takes Time & Patience.

Noah prepared for 120 years by obeying God’s Will.

Biblical scholars wrote that when Noah was asked to build an Ark that was nearly a hectare in square meters (9,363 sq.m. or 8,900 sq.m.) in area, he was about 480 years old. Sources of estimated size differ maybe because measurements back then were in “cubits”. The fulfillment of God’s Plan to end human lives except for the family of Noah took place when he reached 600 years old. Therefore, it took Noah 120 years of preparations believing God’s instructions and Will to end all evil back then.

We ought to be astonished about the great achievement of Noah relative to his time which was over 5,000 years ago. There were no modern day saws and hammers; no nails; no sander. His Ark fit in so many animals and so much food supplies to last for 40 days and 40 nights to feed all of them.

If modern time Man is to match the feat of Noah, just imagine how gigantic a Spaceship would be if it is to have nearly a hectare of floor area. How can it possibly launch to outer space with thousands of animals not to mention family members of the Body of Christ on Earth. Maybe, the scenario will look very different. Man might ship out every specie of animals and plants on installment basis towards a New Earth (which might be Mars where there is no sea). We can’t even ship out one human being to Mars at this time. Thus, we ought to wonder how long all the preparations would have to be.

Our only clue is that the first Earth will be no more. (Revelations 21:1)

Most people will probably argue they won’t be around by then. So why prepare ? “So I recommend having fun, because there is nothing better for people in this world than to eat, drink, and enjoy life. That way they will experience some happiness along with all the hard work God gives them under the sun.” Sounds familiar ? That was quoted from Ecclesiastes 8:15 NLT. Those who live according to such Old Testament understanding of God’s Will can expect NO resurrection, Or if God grants them mercy, they can have life. But they will NOT inherit the God’s Kingdom on the New Earth. For it is written:

Matthew 7:21 ISV
International Standard Version
“Not everyone who keeps saying to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will get into the kingdom from heaven, but only the person who keeps doing the Will of my Father in heaven.”

This passage tells us to first know God’s Will for a God-given Life. Then prepare for the 2nd Coming of Jesus by consistently doing God’s Will to the best of your abilities, with Faith, Hope, and Love.

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